World Blood Donor Day

Last night I saw on Facebook that today is World Blood Donor Day. You'd have thought that as I work for the Blood Service that I would have found out from them...but no. Apparently, it is celebrated every year on this raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank blood donors for their life saving gifts of blood.

We had no signs, no stickers, no posters, no emails....absolutely zilch. Very poor do if you ask me. Anyway, anyone out there who is a blood donor thank you for your donations. Anyone out there who wants to be a donor....register on line and we look forward to seeing you. One donation can help up to three people, it is a wonderful feeling to know that when you gift your blood someone's life could be saved or you give someone a Christmas with their family. And... you get drinks and biscuits afterwards. What's not to like!!

I saw a sign on the way home saying that Manchester will celebrate Clean Air Day the heck am I supposed to get a photo of that!!!!

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