Action Shot

A trip out to the old gaff to retrieve that lawn mower, and a call up at the graveyard to plant a couple of perennials which I'd picked up down at Riccarton.
Then collected the son and set off for a sail. The wind dropped after a while and then came round and out of nowhere suddenly filled the sails. What a blast. The boy looked alarmed - I had to reassure him that yachts don't capsize. I think. Well, they do if they lose their keel. Along we did blow and then blow back. And some good chats too - hope springs (again).
A meeting at the boat club did follow. We've plans... shhhh!
But onward - Diggery Dogs for a chinwag with Messrs T&W and CY (as unworldly as ever) and some excellent Alechemy. Home!

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