
By Missycat

AbstractThursday103 New

Today has been another very busy one for me, with work of the paid variety and household chores to finish before I set out for the hairdresser this afternoon for my monthly maintenance there.  I had planned to go supermarket shopping afterwards but Mr MC called me to say that he had a 5pm slot available to fit my crown and bridge work: I've had the temporaries in since early May and as we are attending a wedding on Saturday, he was anxious to get the permanent versions in rather than carry a tube of glue around in his pocket all weekend!
with all chores accomplished - including the supermarket visit later than planned - I had a small window of time to photograph two lovely pieces of jewellery that were given to me on my birthday.  the beautiful bracelet, given to me by Zeus09smum is new, while the earrings, given by another dear longstanding friend, are antique but of course new to me.
I only had time to send a couple of shots to my phone for a quick Deepart effect this week I'm afraid, no time to play around.
Many thanks  to Ingeborg for continuing to host this challenge.

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