Above the fog

Woke this morning to see the fog rolling in from the harbour and into the Grey Lynn Valley, and other low lying areas. The sun was high enough in the east to hit the higher buildings. The fog was still over the harbour when we left just after 1030 to head north. It was one of those days, when one drives through fog on the Auckland side of the harbour bridge and comes down into bright sunshine on the North Shore side. 

After lunch and a read, I went down to the mudflats of Southend, Snells Beach. Saw a larger number of Tuturiwhatu (New Zealand dotterel) than I have previously seen in one place at the same time; 10. I hope that means they are doing better. As I got back to the beach house my attention was caught by a lustily singing tui in a nearby tree. For once, it was in a place where it could be seen, and the sun was on at least a part of it. So it is my extra for the day.

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