A Woody Theme

Mrs madwill was away last night (she is running a workshop for a quilting group in Garstang all day Saturday) so I emptied a rather nice crate of ales which was a present from our daughter's dog as a thank you for dogsitting him recently!

I managed a lie-in until 06:00 so after coffee I took Finlay and our canine guest Milo out for a walk. Even at that time in the morning it was very warm so we were only out about 45 minutes. I did get a 'banker' blip of a cut log which was just being lit from the side showing up the saw marks - see extra.

I got some washing done and dried outside whilst the dogs pottered in and out. After lunch I went out for another walk on my own (too hot for the dogs) and spotted this lovely branch on a dead tree which was being illuminated by a shaft of light against the green canopy behind. Had to do a three shot HDR to get any detail in the bark on the underside. Shot with a widish aperture to throw the background into a blur. I rather like the shape it has been twisted into - and a chance spot as I would not normally be in the woods at this time of the day!

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