Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Fledgling Magpie

Out early for a walk, I couldn't understand why two cats were sitting, staring intently at a patch along the side of the road on the estate.  I then noticed this little bundle of black and white.  I'd never seen a fledgling magpie before.  I stopped, grabbed the camera and walked back, causing the cats to sidle off in disgust.

I could hear mommy and daddy in the adjacent tree.  The fledgling seemed no worse for its near demise at the hands of the cats so I took a couple of images.  I wasn't sure he was able to fly, so I waited as he headed for some undergrowth.  Then I drove off.

On my walk I also came across this little fella in extras - I'm struggling at an identification.  Can anyone oblige?

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