Say Cheese...

I spent the entire morning photographing Osprey chicks along with a Naturalist and members of the National Zoo Camera Club on the Patuxent River in a pontoon boat.  It was just about the most incredible experience I have ever had.  We visited at least 6 nests and were able to get this close, even touch and hold them. The naturalist has been banding these birds in this location for 30 years (you can see this chick is banded) and he knows their habits quite well.  As we would come closer to the nest, the mother would fly off but remain nearby keeping close watch on us.  She would call out to the chicks to put their heads down (our Naturalist apparently understands Osprey), and they would obey immediately.  We saw the chicks at various ages, 2 weeks up to 6 weeks old.  They were quite timid and not nearly as fierce as they look. This chick is about 6 weeks old and won't fledge for another two weeks. 

In addition, as we traveled up and down the river we saw river otters, wood ducks and even visited several wood duck nests where the eggs were at various stages of incubation.  We were able to hold an egg containing a chick about to hatch and we could hear it pecking and chirping. 

I have added a few shots as extras:
—a two-week old chick trying to keep its head down
—a six-week old chick trying to keep its head down
—Mom returning to the nest
—Mom keeping an eye on us
—a Northern Perula (a new bird for me)

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