The shout

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Never mind about the scream. It was the shout today. Even though Little Larry was still hidden in the hedge, he had to sing, er, shout louder to make sure the other male robins in the area could hear him. I must say, he deafened me. How I managed to keep hold of the camera when he did this, am not sure... but it was a shock... he did stop after & gave me this look...

World's best

Grey, miserable, windy, cold day... no matter, I planted spring bulbs for most of the afternoon. It's amazing how far they go, but even so, I feel I need to plant so much more... but at the moment the beds we're clearing are literally crawling with insects, so I don't want to disturb them too much, as they're a vital part of the ecologically of my garden, if not, the most vital source of all. Somehow I just have to work round them, I'm glad I wear gloves as insects bite! ;) xxx

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