Prom Night!

Oh my life! Homeopathic Girls twins prom Night and she asked me to take some photos - over 400 taken!! Not for the first and definitly not the last time I wished I knew more about processing in Lightroom re changing backgrounds! I'm sure there is an easier and better way than how I am doing it! Apologies for falling behind in your Journals and responding to comments - but with solstice and now this I've been pretty busy - and I had a special day saturday - more of which on tomorrows/yesterdays blip!
I remember when these two sets of twins were born! I didn't know their parents then but I did know a friend of theirs who was also having twins that year! Must have been something in the water! 
The Prom goers gathered on the quay for a photo shoot - how much fun was that and how emotional to see the parents so full of pride and love. The young adults all looked so fine - gorgeous dresses and suits - oh did I ever have dress and figure envy!!! It was so interesting to see the natural posers - so many years of selfie taking evidently coming to the fore! Plus the girls make-up!!! Just so beautifully done - I swear they are born with make up brushes in hand! 
I followed the prom goers to the venue with Homeopathic Girl and watched the procession of vehicles - vintage cars, limo's, motorbike, a tractor which was showroom clean! It was like a red carpet ceremony! One by one the cars pulled up front and the youths got out and posed for photos! Damn was it ever fun! 
I spotted Vegan Jo's daughter so after the last vehicle had deposited it's precious cargo we went inside! So many more gorgeous and not so gorgeous dresses! Plus I found a mirror wall and went dashing around gathering the girls for more photos against it! 
I think like everyone else I was giddy with happiness! 
Still processing photos but have a look if you have time at some of  the vehicles from here and some of the dresses

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