Dancing Flame

Could there be a better name for this Trollius?! I had to have this after seeing blipper Ciorstain's photo of it over a year ago! I thought it had died this year so bought another - but it was another unknown plant that died so now I have two! 
I so wanted to be on the allotment today - but knew my hip would not thank me for it so stayed home. Well, could I just sit and relax? No! Planted some viola and kohl Rabi seeds, potted on my wallflowers and daturas and generally pottered doing this and that all day!  I tried to make myself just sit and read but I just couldn't! Even meditating didn't help me settle. I guess since sitting makes my hip hurt I had some excuse, but really I was constantly moving like a flame or flitting about like a butterfly! Why do I find it so hard just to sit and be?!

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