Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Life has cranked up a notch or two...actually more like tenfold...since all the boys are at home. It always takes a few days to get used to them all being home as it becomes such a hectic household again - the washing machine does not stop going, I seem to be constantly ironing, and the dishwasher is on all the time. Although it is lovely that all the boys can cook it now means that there are 4 different lunches everyday, and about 3 different dinners - all main course cooked meals. Luke said to me today, remember the days when we used to have a sandwich for lunch - oh I wish for those days. Now it is steak or salmon or something a la Jamie Oliver for lunch, and then dinner it is more of the same. My fridge is constantly having to be refilled, and I seem to be cleaning the kitchen all day as I don't really like their cleaning standards. They are all very particular about eating the right kind of foods from the right food groups, no longer is a snack a biscuit but more likely something protein rich and healthy. Its exhausting!!

I had no time for photos today, this is a quick shot of Adam playing snooker with his brothers - I see the Mono Monday theme is 5 minutes of fame, well he had about a minute of fame when he won the game!

Must dash as we are off to school for the universities evening - usually held by the school in Lower Sixth but for some reason it is being done now, post GCSE's. Thomas already knows what he wants to do at university (Chemical Engineering) and which ones he wants to apply for  - having older brothers at university has helped that decision.

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