Is it the same, is it another one? I often see this one in the garden, sitting motionless.
On the 16th of Juin I showed a picture of an Allium here, and had looked for a while for the label. I could not find it anywhere. And how curious it is that today when I was preparing for our journey to The Hague I suddenly found it. And the name is Allium Nectaroscordum.
So tomorrow a travel day. I will be even longer than normal, because the first part we will travel by bus, due to maintenance of the railroad.
The day had been a bit sombre, till 5 pm., then the sky went blue and still is.
Again the galleries with the silly pictures gave me a lot to laugh about.
Later in the evening I will give my hearts to mambo, Romay, gordo, pkln and Miranda1008.

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