
By serpentine


So this is the final of the Derelict Sunday (for a while anyway).   There have been some fine entries over the two years and this week produced some more and it doesn't mean you have to stop blipping dereliction now that your eye is in.  If you have any suggestions for a replacement challenge that can be undertaken over the week and not necessarily on a Sunday, do post it in the challenges which you will find in the Activities section.  See what response you get and go to it.

My hearts this week go, in no particular order, to:

 Talpa for her wild flower meadow where I want to imagine the fox and cubs playing
evolybab for her balding dandelion head - it pays to pay attention to minutiae
Daring2Go's  wrinkled wharf - a tragic but beautiful reminder of the Christchurch earthquake and ongoing tremors
pkin  for the charming and gentle reminder that just a little colour and life will make any bit of dereliction less obvious
and, because it made me smile, Teasel's  shocking picture of churchyard desecration!
You've all blipped gems - continue to do so

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