Washing Line

Given my tight deadline, I got up early and was in work by 7.30am, and had my head down for most of the day.  I had a meeting at 10am, which was almost a welcome relief from the job in hand, but apart from that I barely left my desk.  The down side was I had to spend a lot of time chasing contributions from other colleagues, which proved to be much harder than it should have done, and wasted a lot of my time.

By the end of the day my boss had cleared the work, and I left it with our big boss.  Hopefully he will have cleared after I left and the submitted it for me.

It was great to leave the office and walk down to the station in the sunshine.  I picked BB up from after school club, and we had yet another race home to get ready for the cubs barbeque which was starting earlier than usual.  At least I didn’t have to feed him.

While he was there, I did some emergency shopping – flowers for the cub leaders, as it was his last ever cubs tonight.  He will hopefully have a place in scouts after the summer holidays.  I can’t believe my wee boy is old enough for scouts.  I then had a quick walk by the river, before picking him up.

I spotted this washing line in the graveyard!

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