Blowing in the wind

A very wet day and abit windy too. Had to go to the bank to put some money in and Boots to pick up a prescription. It may be the last time I go in the bank as it closes on September 5th. It will make it difficult for me , however, I think there is a Bank of Scotland that is still open in Dingwall so may have to use that as I do nt really want to go into Inverness to get to the bank.
Richard had his haircut while I waited in the car and then we went for a drive 'round the block' where I took a quick photo from the car window of some poppies. I liked all the shapes of the stems , seed heads and buds.
I've been arranging our trip down South. Lots of people to see but I think I've managed to sort it all.We go down on Friday for just over a week. 

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