3 Knights

Over to the Folks again today. I am starting to feel the effects of being on the go all day and night almost every day now. I didn't rest as much as I should've on Sunday. There's non-work/parent - related stuff to be done too, and I don't want to feel like the only other thing I do is sleep anyway!

I almost fell asleep on the train today, and I felt a bit light headed most of the day. At least I'm not at work tonight! Or tomorrow night, thank goodness!

Anyway, my Dad seemed lots better than he did yesterday, though there's still a long way to go. He had me picking and cooking beetroot ready for pickling today, and going to Harry's to buy cabbage to chuck to the chickens! I had more calls to make too...

When I came back to Lincoln I took a detour as I needed to pick up a couple of things from town. We have a Knight's Trail in Lincoln currently, and as well as the main knights, there are some mini - knights designed by local schools. These are three of the ones currently on display in the Waterside shopping centre.

now I have some tidying up to do, then I will be able to relax at last!

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