The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The old Co-op, Cainscross Parish, Stroud

'Jubilee 1913' reads the engraving. Cars were queueing below, which is why the building apparently has no bottom. I've discovered it was the Golden Jubilee, 1863-1913. The present day co-op is within easy walking distance of this building, and has a pharmacy, an associated nursery, but no funeral or travel departments.

I went to meet a friend in a cafe, but we did not have long. The cafe was closing early, owing to staff sickness. This suited me, as I had to get home to sort out the car hire for our holiday. Hurrah, I've done it! It's possible another of my sisters and her offspring will join us in Spain. The party just keeps getting bigger!

Then there's my card orders, the Utilities switchover, and, unexpectedly, an interview in Cheltenham on Wednesday! I must try not to roll up with my hair wet and stinking of chlorine. Wednesday is nursery's swimming afternoon.

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