That's It!

Last day at nursery - Big School after the summer.
But first we have all got to get through the summer holidays.
That could be a problem.

I phoned TNT head office this morning about my lack of lathe.
I ended up hanging up on them due to the utter tripe they were telling me.
Things were compounded by the fact that I returned home and found another 'Sorry We Missed You' card through the door.
It had a mobile number on it - so I phoned it and it was some poor bloke's personal number and nothing to do with any courier. As there was one digit which was slightly dubious I tried the other possibility  ....... no such number.
So I phoned head office again and blew my stack.
I was put through to the Edinburgh Depot.
Although it was just after 5pm and they were meant to be out and able to deliver until 6pm the driver for this area was finished and away home. Not surprising if he is giving out the wrong number.
The guy on the phone was quite helpful and confirmed that it wasn't anything like the delivery driver's number but wasn't going to be able to arrange for me to collect my lathe. However, after trying to ensure that it would be delivered tomorrow, one of the drivers said that if he could fit it in his car he would deliver it tonight on his way home (He stays a couple of miles away).
True to his word - he and his car sharer turned up with it (and again they confirmed that the number on my card was bollocks and weren't too happy with).

But apart from that ...............

Squirrel had her 'Graduation' from nursery this morning.
Her group leader (who also had The Cygnet) was quite tearful.
She claimed it was because Squirrel was leaving.
I am not convinced they were not tears of joy.

Coffee and cake in the afternoon with Chicken Lady.
It should have been yesterday morning but her boyfriend's mother had died during the night.
It was good to see her as her work has kept her out of the loop for ages - just a shame it was over-shadowed by the bad news.

Bags, the monsters and their father will be in Newcastle by now ready for an early flight tomorrow .................... Whoopee ......... 10 days for freedom (although we do get PD back on Monday after his holidays..)

I now have a large, good quality whisky within easy arms reach.

Other pictures today were glass related .......... a vase and a marble ....or three

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