Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Early This Morning

This fellow visited us this morning at about 6:00 AM - drawn in by the small amount of birdseed I seem unable to stop offering my birds and squirrels. I'm not at all sure this is the same one as last time - it looked a good deal less mangy. It also was rather hard to convince to leave. When we shouted at it, it went into the woods, but then 15 minutes later we'd look outside and there it was again! Third time was the charm, though.

Meanwhile, I am very pleased to report that the silly little dog - who used to be unable to control his impulse to chase the bear further than he should - seems to have finally gotten some sense. When the two dogs initially got wind of the bear (they must smell very strong to a dog?) they shot out the pet door barking their heads off. The scaredy cat (Swee'pea, the big dog) saw the bear and whipped right around, shot back inside, and headed for the bedroom to hide. Bugsy, the little nutty one, chased the bear for a few feet and then came back up on the porch with his hair standing on end and barked some more. I picked him up and we both shouted at the bear to get away! Which it did. Interesting that the next two times it came back neither dog even bothered to come outside. Well, Swee'pea wouldn't have - too scared - but I would have thought Bugsy might. Glad he didn't though! A good sign that he may be developing some sense rather late in the day.

Anyway - that was my blip taken care of early this morning!

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