The Blister*

A great evening - first a glass of bubbly in Richard and Sue's (my sister) garden admiring the white themed planting and working out the tune to the chant of "Oooh Jeremy Corbyn" - hard to get out of your head once the ear worm has stuck. Then round the corner to the Royal College of Music for their end of year opera performance. It was a double bill of two very obscure and little performed works. 

The first was about a wedding couple who weren't quite sure what they should do on their first night together. The count (groom) was complaining to his tutor that he hadn't been taught everything. Oh yes you have, sang the tutor. I've taught you trigonometry, philosophy, etc etc. Much laughter. When realising the problem the tutor dashed off to get the appropriate text book but the couple had worked things out by the time he got back. More laughter. 

The second piece was by Poulenc and was truly mad and surreal. About the need for more babies - just after WWI. A great staging with fast moving scenes where there was too much going on to take everything in. Lots more laughter and a very enthusiastic curtain call.

I would love to see it again although I didnt have much idea of what the story was about. Reading the summary later in the programme it still didn't make sense. Like a musical Dali.

Then a stroll back down Exhibition Road where the hoards were spilling out of the opening party for the new V&A extension.

A super summer evening.

* Sister

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