a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Mono Monday: Shadows

For the Mono Monday challenge, set by 60plus this week, I've chosen to go with a selfie of sorts, did you guess?  The angle is very flattering, it makes me look as though I have the shoulders and neck of a bull - if only!

I'm really beginning to wish that I'd put some DEET on yesterday before wandering off to hunt my dragons.  The bits have now swollen up beautifully  despite my not having scratched the things.  You could play golf with the bite on my arm :-(  I've resorted to topical creams and anti-hystemine tablets, hopefully they will do the trick over the next few days.

In the meantime, Cathy's in heaven as Wimbledon has started and she has the whole week off work to watch it.  There will undoubtedly be strawberries for dinner tonight :-). What's not to like?

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