
Todays July challenge word is Fun.

Iv been thinking and searching hard all day for a fun blip. 

Work certainly wasnt fun. I had been selected for a particularly difficult final visit which certainly had the adrenaline running. But it went better than expected.

Then home for the afternoon and Mr W was busy so we didnt go out and do anything fun so I had a little potter in the garden that I do enjoy. My back is protesting after the Muddy Run I did on Sunday so I took it easy. I think I plonked a bit hard into the mud pit at the bottom of the slide! So I just topped up the fish pond and did a bit of rose dead heading. I do find my fish fun but find fish are particularly difficult to photograph! 

So here is my clematis on the iron curly pole that Mr W had moved into the middle of the patio so he could paint the wall. For some reason, the snail poo marks keep coming through which is very annoying!

So what do I find fun?? 
Time with my Babies.
Animals and children.
Laughing with friends.
My fish.
Beach walks.
And of course, Blip.

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