
They picked my up at 7 am - I was so tired!
Zoltan and I were brushing up the presentation he made in the car while Edina was driving.
We arrived in time in Bratislava and checked in at the customer.
The meeting went well! And Andy late told me that The Budapest team we really well prepared ;) So we winged it again!
I stayed on and had other meetings and charts until I left the office at 8 pm.
Luckily all were busy for the evening and I had no official dinner to host!
I checked into my usual room 115 and went to the bar for a coffee and a water.
Then I went for a walk to decide where I will go for dinner.
I ended up to go to Kogo and treated my self to lovely seafood and 2 glasses of lovely wine.
I did not open my laptop anymore and went to bed at midnight.

Bratislava was lovely and summery warm. The Blip is just a snap from the main square where my Hotel is located. It shows the statue of Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav.

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