The Water Lilies

It's hard to believe it could happen, but it had been more than three weeks since my last visit to the Arboretum (and I had good company that time - a pair of festive mice plus additional friends!). A combination of car troubles and vacation travels kept me away. But on this morning, I finally went back.

The lily pond has turned lush in my absence, and several shades of water lilies are in bloom right now. Not unlike Mr. Monet, I've got water lilies in my blood, or on the brain perhaps.. It can become an obsession of sorts, so be warned.

It is definitely one of my favorite scenes in the world to photograph, as you may have guessed by now. Look for me there: I'll be the girl kneeling or crawling on the ground around the lily pond with my camera, stalking the water lilies and their ever changing reflections. :-)

The soundtrack is a mellow little song about water lilies: Vashti Bunyan, with Lily Pond.

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