horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

SLOW Cyclist

Don't worry, I wasn't snapping away with a disregard for my own safety on the Queen's Highway. Well. Not this time. Video Camera shot. Took no photos today. Busy. Work. 5.5 - 6 hours of meetings tomorrow, so likely to be late leaving again, because after all of that I've got to find some time to actually do my job! All constrained by finishing up on Thursday night as well for two weeks.

Going to be knackered for the drive to Dover on Friday...

May finally post tomorrow about the homeless guy with a cat near my office that I've started chatting to (or trying, he doesn't have much English), and good friend Iain heading off to Dublin, just before we're back from France, for 9 months.

For the time being, you'll just have to content yourself with a crappy video camera shot and remarkably little insight.

You're welcome.

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