

I went round to Mrs A's beautiful new house this morning. It's pretty much my dream house and I'm more than a little envious!! Mrs A came too and we had a lovely couple of hours chatting out in the garden and eating muffins. 
Home for a few hours with Archie before heading to get the Little Misses.
They generally disappear off upstairs or out into the garden the  minute they get home from school. Handy when Wimbledon's on and Andy Murray's playing!
When I eventually went to track them down I found them squealing like loons on the trampoline! Bouncing up and down with the hose, soaking each other and the garden (and possibly the neighbours at times!!), doing crazy rain dances and generally having a fine old time!
It was so brilliant to watch. Pure joy!!
I put all thoughts of the water meter out of my mind!!!

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