My Mum's Garden

Last night Mr K got back from work having popped into Waitrose on his way back.
Along with his unnecessarily expensive orange juice and coffee beans he bought three packets of dog treats.
When I rolled my eyes and pointed out that Archie would be happy with Aldi value treats Mr K gave the response he usually gives when I get cross with him for buying more expensive brands - they were on special offer!
He never seems to grasp that even if things are on special offer they're still not as cheap as something cheaper would have been in the first place. Sigh!!!
When we arrived at dog training this morning I pointed out to everyone that we had Waitrose treats and let's see if Archie is any more fussed about them than he would be anything else. 
Oh my goodness!!!!
He LOVED them! You'd think I was offering him prime steak!!
And all the other dogs seemed to like them too. At one point I left Archie sitting, walked thirty feet away, turned and called him to me. When I called him every other dog attempted to run towards me too. Obviously all desperate to get to the posh snacks!!!!
Half a pound off at Fat Club tonight which was a bit disappointing after a week completely on track. I even resisted cake at the fete on Saturday!!
Hopefully it'll be better next week.
I went back to my mum and dad's after for a cup of tea and a chat out in the garden. I love my mum's garden!
She's given me a lovely big hydrangea so hopefully a little of her magic can rub off in our garden!

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