East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Sunset through the smog in Singapore

We had a 3 day stopover in Singapore on our way to Italy. Despite the smog it is a beautiful, relaxing city and the food is fabulous. This is taken from the top of the Marina Bay Sands Resort - it's a fabulous building 3 separate towers joined by a huge stylized ocean liner on the top.
We arrived home on Sunday and I have been buried under a mountain of paperwork that had to be dealt with and also piles of washing - yuk.
However the trip was absolutely fantastic, Italy was just beautiful everywhere we went and the history and archaeology just amazed me. Every step in Rome presented something that just took my breath away. If it wasn't for the horrendous flights I'd go back in a flash. I'm not sure when I'll get back to checking in on you all with comments but I'm sure I'll be having a peek at what you have all been up to very soon. The trip was a lot of fun but I am pleased to be home and not living out of a suitcase - I never have learnt how to travel light!

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