.... taking it all in.

.....  just sitting here and enjoying the peace and tranquility - just wonderful. I hasten to add this only lasted a relatively short time but even so it was  lovely just to sit and contemplate.  It reminded me of when we were children and during the summer we used to stay out all day long.  There weren't any worries that we wouldn't be safe and the summer months always seemed like such a magical time, and for a short while today I could almost imagine myself back there.

This was taken from the road running from Yorkshire into Lancashire, going past Nont Sarah's and heading towards Buckstones Edge;  my blip HERE taken on 19th April shows just how different the light is today.

Thank you to BobsBlips for hosting the WidWed challenge, and thank you as ever for the generous comments, hearts and stars left for my cute Soldier Beetle yesterday. :-))

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