Was catching...

...up to today with stuff I have fallen behind on.

By early afternoon was knackered, so joined Popeye in the potting shed. Played on the iPad with sketching apps, and practicing listening to stuff with this mapping. Playing xylophone on iPad, and also trying to learn to hear musical notes on the iPad. The latter was a disaster.

Don't think I will be able to do that. But I was learning the keyboard notes, and practicing finger positions for when I can hopefully start to teach myself how to play simple tunes. But what the actual keyboard will sound like with this cochlear mapping I have no idea. But if it doesn't sound okay to me, I still have the option of connecting the music directly to the processor via the mini mic. However that is only possible if the technology is compatible. I will have to see.

However, my picture for today. Popeye was asleep on me, and I didn't want to move him. iPad had run down on its battery so I couldn't use that. All I had to hand was a little A6 lined notebook whose pages had curled up totally with the sun, and a black pen and a black sharpie pen. So this was the result! In a photo app, when I could finally access my phone in the bungalow, I did this with it and reversed the pictures and put 4 together.

So this is my pic for today for my challenge to myself of a pic every day in 2017.

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