Dartmoor Walk.....

.....with mydartmoorwalks, Gilesey and madchickenwoman. And what a great time we had - it was so good to meet up with them again after nearly two years! Needless to say, there was lots of Blip chat and stopping for photographs :))

We visited Hingston Hill cairn circle and stone row and Cuckoo Rock, before returning to our cars and heading to Royal Oak in Meavy for a leisurely lunch. A gentle walk, or so I'm told, but we had to make quite a few stops for me to catch my breath - everyone else was clearly much fitter than I am! It was beautifully warm, if not downright hot at times, so lovely walking weather.

After we'd said our farewells, mcw and I went to explore the local church before going home to look through our photos for the day. Battling with her new computer proved to be a bit much for mcw........ in the end, we called it a day earlier than of late, as mcw went into meltdown and I was descending into hysterical laughter.

I think this shot just about fits the optional theme of 'Lines' because the wide angle lens causes the clouds to form exploding lines in the sky.  A few other shots from the day in extras.

Thank you so much for everything for yesterday's blip! Have a great evening!

Ann :))


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