Bagan 2

Bagan is known for its more than 3000 pagodas -- you have the solid pagodas, perhaps better known as stupas, which you can't enter, and you have the temple pagodas, which obviously you can enter.  As can be seen, this is the temple type of pagoda.  No pagoda is like another, they're all different, and it will take a lot of time to point out exactly what differentiates one from another, so we just noticed the more obvious differences.

The day began with a recurrence of my tummy problem, probably from something I ingested yesterday.  No big deal, but I didn't feel like going out straight away until I was sure I was fine.  Instead, went on the Internet and caught up with some news, and then hubby wanted to read his mail.  There was a message from the insurance company that helps people who need help paying legal fees.  We're not insured with them, but bro-in-law J is, and he asked them if they could help out.  To make a long story short, the lawyer sent the bills both to the insurance company and to us, without telling them that we were getting the same copies.  Not knowing this, we paid all the bills.  Not knowing this, either, the ARAG also paid some of the bills.  The clever lawyer got paid twice for the same bills.  Hubby has now requested them to investigate and try to come up with a solution.  As for bro-in-law J, he never had to pay a cent, and he didn't tell us either.  Hopefully, some of what we paid will be returned to us.

Around noon, I thought I was okay enough, so we went to town and hired a car and guide and visited more pagodas.  We had a small map and we showed him where we hadn't yet been.  Among others, we visited the Thatbyinnyu, Htilominlo, Gawdawpalin, Mahabodhi , and Thambula Temples, and the Bu Paya Pagoda, which happens to be on the banks of the Irrawaddy River.  It is the Thambula Temple you see in the shot.  It was one of the cutest in the area.

By 17.00, we were back at the hotel.  After a quick dip in the pool and shower for hubby, and only a quick shower for me, we went to a textile shop where hubby bought a couple of those loosely-fitting pyjama-type trousers and I got a second skirt, and then dinner.  It had consistently been 35 degrees and we were thankful that we didn't have to use the mountainbikes today.

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