The touch of a stranger

Sitting in an armchair on display in John Lewis that took me back to childhood in our G plan home, I find I am at rest inside and out.
Oh, shall I buy it? how I love it. It's expensive though. They call it "retro".
Wistful images fill my head as a couple, my age or thereabouts, sit close by and ask about my comfort in this far away and right here place
and I tell them of my G plan childhood, and how this chair evokes those halcyon days and now we're talking like old friends as she, Rosemary, 
no longer a stranger it seems, knows all too well my thoughts and feelings 
as similar experience has brought her here today and we both laugh at how our stories connect as we sit, as if at home. 
And as we talked we find so much more in common than could possibly be surmised from that first comment. We talk of Art and learning and living to let go with love until with hugs we parted, each with their own rendezvous and recollections.

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