Day 5

Street to Monmouth. 68 miles of unbroken sunshine. Across the Somerset levels to Wells. We had a quick look at the facade of Wells Cathedral before an epic climb on to the Mendips. I made it, From here down to Bristol and around on a cycle lane which was unfortunately next to a very busy road. Then on through the industrial wasteland of Bristol. Under the a very large road were these decorated pillars, just had to blip them. On to the old Severn Bridge and in to Wales pausing for an icecream at Budgens in Chepstow (Mr PB takes me to all the best places). On along the gorgeous Wye valley stopping at Tintern Abbey.

Lovely friendly hotel in Monmouth. It's 400 years old, but I am not a fan of sloping ceilings. I nearly knocked myself out! It also has the first sit down shower I have experienced. But the owner is lovely and used to LEJOG folk.

Posh dinner and then a pint and bed. No major problems today except sore feet and my sit bones got a little sore in the last 2 miles. The pins and needles and numbness in my hands only lasted the first 5 miles.

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