What was lost is now FOUND

So on Saturday I lost my Fitbit tracker.   Then yesterday evening I got my usual weekly e mail from Fitbit to tell me my weekly stats.  I took a look to see how many steps I had done before losing the tracker.  I was surprised to see that there were actually 5,024 steps showing for yesterday. I was baffled. They were logged from the time I left the house to walk to fitness class, then they stopped and started again when I would have left the class and made my way home, then they stopped again.  So I deduced that the tracker must be in either my handbag or shopping bag (neither of which I had used after losing my tracker until yesterday ).  So the search began.  It was easy to establish that it wasn't in the shopping bag.  So - on to the handbag which has numerous pockets and contained 4 zipped purses/wallets.  So I emptied the bag and looked in every purse/wallet.  Nothing. 

Tried to forget about it  ( I have already ordered a new " better " Fitbit )  - but it kept niggling away at me and later on in the evening I had another look in the handbag.  Emptied everything out - again - checked inside the purses and wallet -  again  - nothing.  But as I was putting things back into the brown wallet I felt something caught up under the zip in one corner ...... it was the tracker.   Finally found it.  I was so chuffed.

I made a collage of the sequence of events - I had nothing better to blip today.

I did go to Newcastle.  Needed to go to Fenwick's  department store to get some coffee and posh chocolate to take as a gift at the weekend.  I will be going to Loughborough for the " Annual Family BBQ "  held by my son in law's parents. I also got a nice pair of sandals- for myself.

The weather was dry but dull.  I'm seriously missing the sunshine.

Steps today - 11,220

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