Florists again!

Leaving to go to my Mum and Dad's today I managed to trap my finger tin the door. It hurt so much it made me feel sick! I was running a little late though so I had to suck it up and get walking or I'd've missed the train. No real harm done I don't think, just bruising.

A very busy day over there - loads of domestic jobs done, and two shopping trips round the village. My Fitbit was at home on charge - I daresay I've already done more than my 10000 steps! Estelle next door goes on holiday tomorrow for 5 weeks, so I will have even more to do for a while.

We hopefully have a new lad starting at work tonight - I hope he turns up so I don't have all the cleaning etc. to do! One lad will leave at the end of the school holidays, and we're not entirely sure what the other one is doing, so we need someone else - at least one more person! 

Still trying to get fully to grips with the editor on the new PC! I took this of the latest display by the florist I pass walking to/from the train station.

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