Sting in the Tail

A fun day.  Tried out the new hedge trimmer - made light work of the Ivy which has taken over what was once the front wall.   Jamie and friend Ruby had lunch together here .... I ate alone in the summerhouse, teenagers don't need dads lurking!  Muffins were made :-) without my help.  A trip to see the Grandparents for a cuppa and Jamie decided to see how far down the track behind their house he could get - a long way.  Nice evening for a stroll.  When we got back he scrumped a tub of juicy blackberries hanging into their drive.  These are now half way to being Fruits of the Forest Ice Cream, another Jamie special!   After our evening meal - lots of runner beans included, the glut has begun - I popped to the allotment to dig some spuds.  That little black cloud up the road turned into an almighty thunderstorm just as I started.  A sting in the tail.

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