Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Wile E. Coyote, Eat Your Heart Out

Today was the kind of day that I thought to myself, "I LOVE BLIP!"  The reason is because it makes you bring your camera more places than not.

This is a roadrunner.  They are one of the coolest desert dwellers.  I love them.  But I have never been quick enough to catch one.   They run and hop and jump but don't really fly. (Remember the cartoon?)

This guy was awesome to me.  I was inside a theater office when I saw him hop up onto a wall.  I casually walked out the door past him, opened my car door, changed lenses, walked towards him and started shooting.

Apparently, he saw some food, because he took off for the bushes. Eventually, out he came with a lizard in his mouth.  Too quick for me then and he got away with his prey.  

That would have really been a humdinger.  But I'm still pretty happy!!

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