The fragrance of lilies

The day is of course not this dark , but my photoshop tinkering has enhanced these blooms with an intensity that matches their fragrance.

I doubt if my Weiss Ring and I will ever become friends. It's in my sighting eye, so I see it through my camera lens as well. It's most annoying as it dances and changes shape from a smoky gray puff in my central vision to a curly ring undulating and rotating from horizontal to vertical to the left corner of my eye. Advancing age and my cataract surgery have helped it appear. I hope my old brain can see fit to ignore it and other annoyance, the shadow and line I still see. The surgeon i saw yesterday said the line is the incision from my lens exchange during my cataract surgery, it's located exactly where right handed eye surgeons make the slice to open the capsule. He said that it is possible to change that location, but then you have a surgeon performing something in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable position for them, on your eye!

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy and cool.

All hands disgusted even more with 45, if possible.

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