Ghost canal

Every day that I’m in the office, I walk over this bridge at lunchtime when I go to Asda to buy myself a salad for lunch. Lest this sound a little too worthy, I have to say that their chicken and chorizo pasta salad is immensely, almost immorally, satisfying and the fact that it’s only 432 calories is a happy bonus. (Although, obvs, if it was loads more calories, I wouldn’t be eating it at the moment.)
I rarely look over the edge of the bridge, to be honest. I do love the old canal but this part of it is quite drab. There is almost no sense of its prior function; it looks like an overgrown path. In fact, this must have been quite a narrow section of the canal, despite the fact that it’s close to the last approach to Canal Head.
I used to hope that the long cherished plan to re-open the canal would come to pass, despite its speculated cost of fifteen million pounds, but these days, when we can’t even pay for libraries let alone the NHS, it seems a long way off.

And yet, and yet… Theresa May had no problem finding one BILLION pounds for the DUP. So maybe the money is there, we just need a government that is better at spending it.

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