It's A Date

3 actually.
I took the date pictures as part of a fruit & vegetable series I am working on.

After dropping Squirrel off at her gymnastics we took The Cygnet for coffee (he wishes! ...... next time I might let him have a sip to stop him asking for some) and cake (we both had banoffee tarts).
When he and I were sitting in the car waiting on Swmbo collecting Squirrel I was asked for my camera.
He liked the sky and wanted to take a picture of it.
I wonder where he got that from.........
He took a few pictures and when I turned round to ask to see them the was taking this.
"Why Not?" he replied.
He even asked how to zoom in closer.
I think I may have created a monster.

The view from the office today was a bit restricted.
When the rain started (at various points during the day), here was no build up. It just arrived. Like a bucket of water being thrown at you. It was murder!
So was the noise from the monsters.
I don't know if it is worse when they are fighting or being best buddies.

Picked up the new glasses today. The Cygnet was fascinated with the way one pair go from clear to sunglasses and back again. Yes - we got about 2 minutes of sun as we walked back to the car.

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