Tictacii Falsalarmus

Last night on our walk through the woods I spotted some rather unique looking fungi poking up through the leaf litter. Sadly, having left my glasses at home and using an iPhone that spectacularly failed to focus in the gloom I was unable to get a decent shot

So this morning, your intrepid reporters, sporting five legs between them and armed with spectacles and a proper camera, set off in search of the elusive growth.

We actually spotted quite a lot on the path and a closer inspection revealed that they were not actually attached to the ground - then it dawned on me they they looked like Tic-Tac* mints - presumably spilt or discarded by a careless person. Pah...disappointing.

I also saw a kingfisher by the beck today - we approached on a slightly different path to normal and it was just sitting on a branch overhanging the water. It was off so quickly in a flash of electric blue, I hadn’t even got my hand on my camera before it was gone.

* other disgusting mints are available!

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