Back in naughty mode!

Today we came back home to St Ives, Cornwall. I've been staying with Ann's sister, Sue and family, in Derbyshire for the last couple of weeks while my owner Ann has been swanning around on a Mediterranean cruise and visiting her bestie in Spain.

This morning I had my last walk with Alfie, the Beardie. We went on our normal morning route and do you know what Ann did when we reached the pond that I normally wallow in?................... She put me back on my lead. Grrrrr........ She said, 'Molly, you're not going in the pond today. I don't want to sit for 5 hours in a car with a stinky collie'.

So do you want to know what I did?.......................... This is sooooo funny................... And Ann is sooooo angry.................. And I am just sooooo intelligent sometimes..........................

…................We stopped at Taunton services so that I could have a walk around the 'secret field'. I always have a walk around the secret field. The 'secret field' is so secret that there's never any other doggies there. Once there were sheep in the secret field. That was very, very annoying because then I just had to have a walk around a carpark. Usually I just trot behind Ann in good dog mode but today I was in 'angry mode' because I hadn't been allowed to wallow in my normal morning wallowing pond.

Guess what I did? I lagged so far behind Ann, that when she turned round she couldn't see where I was. Then she went into 'frantic screaming mode' (the secret field is only one field away from the M5). And then she spotted my head. It was sticking out of a trough????

In all the years that I've walked around the 'secret field' I've never ever gone in the trough (and Ann didn't even know the trough existed) because I've always been in 'good dog mode' in the secret field before.

Needless to say....................... Ann was relieved that I hadn't ended up on the M5................... But she was very, very angry that I'd found a trough to wallow in.

Nothing more to say....................... The last two and a half hours home in the car were not very pleasant for Ann. Lol, lol, lol!!!!

PS – We actually made the journey from Ticknall in Derbyshire to St Ives in Cornwall in 4 hours and 45 minutes including a walk around the secret field at Taunton Services and stopping to get petrol. That's our speediest time ever. So glad we didn't join all the other holiday makers heading to Cornwall yesterday.

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