Bikers Fireworks!

Well what a day! As TML always seemed to pack so much into a day whenever she went out I had decided to do the same! We didn't leave till midday as TML and I were chatting so much! It was only as we were leaving the village that I realised I had not given them breakfast! I was mortified! Especially as I had planned and told them the night before that we would be going into the village for a Bikers breakfast that the village was doing - stack of pancakes and smoothies! 
We decided to change the order of the day and head straight to Jamaica Inn which Immy had spotted a sign to on the way home the previous night - she had done a project on it for school. Well what a disappointment - they had put a canteen style eatery in and the food was truly appalling! As was my orange drink that apart from being orange had no other similarity to anything remotely orange in flavour! Immy decided against going round the museum - the Inn had been more disappointment than she could stomach! We did go to the shop and I discovered just how many books Daphne Du Maurier had written! So bought one I had heard of but never read!
Next stop Minions to see the stone circles! Well that turned into some journey - mainly because instead of turning right as my sat nav and apparently Immy had said I turned left! So we went a little across country - in fact the sat nav took it's revenge and we went way into country at one point! Down a single track, right past someones house, their back garden and garage and down the narrowest of tracks! I don't think anyone had been down it in a long time as the brambles were arching across it! Immy was up for continuing so on I went a short way as the brambles scratched the car much to TML's concern! I decided the sat nav was taking us down a dead end so reversed the way we had come and managed to turn in the houses driveway! 
Finally we arrived at Minions and donned our warm layers! TML inspected the cars scratches which I assured her would rub off! It was wonderful to be in such an open unspoilt place and of course the view from my solstice hill was stunning. Since we did not have time to visit Cotehele we made our way to the farm shop and the KuneKune pigs! But first the surprise I had promised them - Trevethy quoit! A Neolithic 'dolmen" burial chamber! We then had a well deserved cup of tea and a slice of Victoria sponge cake each and  fed the enormous pigs! 
Once home and having made and eaten dinner it was off to the allotment for me - whilst I was there, listening to the very loud heavy rock emanating from the village and the bikers, I heard a firecracker go off. I had forgotten the Bikers fireworks! Once the hens were shut up I rushed home to tell them! They decided a trip into the village was not for them but that watching the fireworks from my attic was! So up we all went when we heard the first firework go off! we all sat on my bed and hung out the window - with growling from FatCat at both us and the fireworks! as usual the fireworks were spectacular - lasting ages and lighting up the smoke as it gradually filled the village and drifted under the viaduct! Immy thought they were the best she had ever seen! The Bikers do put on a good show! 
Soon after they were over and we had returned to the kitchen Vegan Jo and her Wannabe Calstockian Friend called in! We had a chat and they looked at the Port Eliot photos before the friend announced they had to set off for home as she was aiming to be up at 4 to drive to meet her husband at Mawgan Porth where they were caravanning and do an early morning walk with the dog! Turns out she naturally wakes at 4 anyway! the walk would have taken them an hour and it was a mite chilly - so I offered to drive them home - which they gratefully accepted! By the time I got back TML had gone to bed as I had expected! Unfortunately my next door neighbour who I had seen returning from the village the worse for wear earlier had obviously rallied and was now playing heavy rock music very loudly! I just hoped TML and Immy had fallen to sleep exhausted and were unaware of it! 

Mousehole album is here if you were interested from yesterday- todays here and Biker fireworks here!

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