White Spider....

....on clover. I didn't even notice the spider when I first stopped to take this, but I had my macro lens on and when I looked through the viewfinder, something was moving. It was very small, and I have no idea what kind of spider it was--big surprise there--but it stayed in place long enough to catch it in the picture.  
We spent the morning at a Flea Market/Farmers Market, and came home with cherry tomatoes, zucchini, sweet peas, kohlrabi, and--just to make sure we had something to eat that wasn't totally healthy--my all time favorite cookies, Cranberry Oatmeal!!  Haha!   We took Willie and Bruno for a long walk today....my sister gave me a choice of which dog I wanted to walk, so of course I took sweet little Bruno....who was all over the place, as I should have known he would be!  He had to stop to chew on grass, then stopped so he could try chewing on small rocks, then wanted to play with Willie (who wasn't the least interested), then wrapped the leash around my legs and almost tripped me! I told Bruno I was going to pick Willie next time if he didn't behave, but I don't think he was too worried! Haha! :))

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