Postcard from Pittenweem

Over to Pittenweem for the celebrated art festival - some eighty venues scattered about the town which was looking wonderful under blue skies. Much art which was OK, but little that you'd be tempted to part with money for. Apart from Graham Rich whose paintings we both liked very much; the prices, less so. On one wall, amongst works ranging from £1800 to £2400 (the cheap stuff), we spotted one costing just £240. Aware that 'perhaps' the final zero had dropped off, the chancer went to negotiate. Well, they now have her email.
Time to head on and who did we bump into but a well-heeled local patron of the arts. He'd not be quibbling about missing zeros, I'm sure.
Onward to St Andrews and P&K's gaff, which we take some time to break into before their arrival from the hills. Needless to say, they're knackered but our lively chat and walk up town soon invigorates them. Ha.

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