This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Art Prize 2012

Well I know this is the first time in a very very long time that I have blipped but I felt that after the day I had today that it was worth a good blip.

The weather was beautiful and the art was amazing. I spent the day in Grand Rapids, MI at Art Prize 2012 with some of my family. I started out today with a 45 min drive from Muskegon to Grand Rapids and then set out on foot from the parking gurage to go see some of the art that the family had already seen. This was one of the gems. As I looked at it I saw the T-Rex but once I really spent the time and looked at it I saw the history, the art, the time, and the miles that it had taken to get to where it was today.

After spending about 1 1/2 hrs on my own looking at some of the art I went to the apratment building and met up with the rest of the family and then set out on foot again to see so many wonderful art displays. Two of my other favorites are called The Tuskegee Airmen and another is called Swing Set Drum Kit. They were two very different displays. The Tuskegge Airmen was a stunning 8ft x 16ft watercolor and graphite on watercolor canvas. The Swing Set Drum Kit was so cool because it was an interactive display that the kids and adults could play on to make music. The little cousins and I all took turns on the swings.

After a long walk and a short stop at a street stand for food we got on the blue line bus to ride for a bit and then got off again to walk back to the apartment to eat dinner.

Who would have thought that you could see so much art in just a 3 mile walk. I will be making a few return trips to see more of the art that I was unable to see today. As a matter of fact I may have to blip about some of the other art that I will see.

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