Memorial Service

It somehow seemed appropriate that the rain and gloom of this morning gave way to drier and much brighter weather for the memorial service of our next door neighbour who died last week.
Canongate Kirk,a pre reformation church near Holyrood, was packed with friends and neighbours of Jane. It is a light airy church with no adornment of stained glass windows but pretty with pale blue painted pews and pulpit.
The white lilies from the family in the nave were beautiful in their simplicity.
Jane's three sons, handsome in their kilts gave readings and tributes with composure and humour and we left knowing more about her first years in India and her Shetland connection. We will miss her as a neighbour

From the peace and tranquility of the church, we were suddenly out in the maelstrom of a crowded Royal Mile, fighting our way back to the Dower House. The difference of two worlds so obvious.

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