The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Everybody out !

12C, windy and grey. Gales and heavy rain to come.

I took Maeve the Deerhound for her walk early today as the forecast is for worsening weather. There is an amber Met Office warning for heavy rain and Easterly gales. The worst should come through the night.

We went straight down the road and along to the road bridge over the railway and down the the car park at Westhaven. The sea looked so grey and angry and very different to the calm blue of Saturday. There were no boats in the water. I looked along towards the Fishermen's huts and I could see Valhalla VI on the beach.

We walked along by the cottages to the huts and all of the boats are tucked away in the places I first saw them last winter. If Valhalla VI is left on the beach tonight I hope she comes to no harm as the wind will be driving the sea directly towards her. I am hoping that the intention is to bring her up by the huts sometime soon.

Later the weather is due to get nasty. Lets hope it settles back down again by tomorrow !

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