Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio

Today we crossed the border into the US for our drive south to Tennessee.

We travelled approximately 180 miles through Ontario, New York state and Pennsylvania as far as Cleveland, Ohio. Here we spent over four hours at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - and we could have easily stayed much longer had there been more time.

I really enjoyed the journey with the four of us together in the comfort of the don_Ts' big air-conditioned SUV. On the back seat I read an interesting book called Younger next year, joining in the chat from time to time.

Our only delay came at the border when we were required to park the car and sit in a waiting room until our UK documents could be checked and fingerprints taken. The border guards did their best to make this as painless as possible, especially when the computers froze and the fingerprint machine stopped working. As we enjoyed their banter Mr hazelh and I felt that we had been accidentally dropped into a Cohen brothers film.

My blip is of the cars that are suspended from the ceiling in the entrance to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (don_T blipped the four of us outside the building.)

Tomorrow our destination is Nashville.

Exercise today: minimal walking (5,950 steps) - which is somewhat ironic given the main message of the book that I have been reading!

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